MUMBAI: A team at IIT-Bombay along with some professional and experienced alumni claimed to have built a mobile app named ‘CORONTINE’ that will help in tracking the potential or suspected asymptomatic carriers (AC) of coronavirus if they leave their quarantine zone.
“The CORONTINE app is installed on the mobile of asymptomatic carriers (AC) by an authorized agency (AA). The app sends GPS coordinates of the mobiles periodically to a server under the supervision of AA. If a user leaves a specified quarantined zone marked by a geo-fence, it will be auto-detected,” read the official website of the platform ‘CORONTINE’.
The purpose of the app is to help authorities track the asymptomatic carriers and prevent the spread of the disease.
The details about the CORONTINE app and the admin platform, along with the user manual, etc, can be found at
Only an authorized person can log in as admin to access the full features of the CORONTINE platform.
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