MUMBAI: A special POCSO Act court on Friday convicted and sentenced a man to a year’s imprisonment for flashing a 17-year-old girl and touching her inappropriately at Tilak Nagar railway station in 2018. The minor had raised an alarm and Wasim Shaikh was caught by commuters.
The survivor was 19 when she deposed before court. She said she had finished HSC and was planning to do a computer course. She said she found a class near Kurla and collected forms. On March 18, 2018, she met an employee from the classes at the station, to hand over fees. She said around 4pm, when the woman arrived to collect the money, they noticed the accused urinating nearby. The survivor said they initially ignored him, but he lifted his lungi and flashed them. She said he moved towards her and touched her. The survivor identified the accused in court.
(The victim’s identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme Court directives on cases related to sexual assault)